Thursday, June 26, 2008

the counter keeps on ticking

and we welcome the latest to the ever-growing, ever-burgeoning list of m103 grads.

hello Dr Yeo.

Look out world.

grats on being LB #1 to become Dr LB Yeo. A re-shuffling of LB order is in order.
I suppose I could say please wake up on time for rounds, please don't have to pangsai before operating, please don't skive, please don't be late, please stop procrastinating, please don't dota till 5am anymore but I won't. Cause I'm trying to be nice and everyone deserves the benefit of doubt when starting a new phase in life. Plus I sound like an uncle when I say those things.

Which I am, of course. Biologically. But the point remains.

Go forth, and medicate!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blogs are like


When it stays stagnant, it begins to STINK.