Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can you believe this?

Here's a man reasoning that the bumiputra population deserve their special rights because they have oh-so-generously bestowed upon the non-malays the WONDERFUL GIFT OF CITIZENSHIP.

I hope he is not representing the general view of the malay population because it would be a slap to the face knowing that for all these years the only reason why there exists biased socio-economical policies that favour the malays are simply due to the fact that they "were there first".

I am surprised this clip has not caused public outrage.

--start analogy

Can you imagine: I rent a house that has 3 rooms. I sub-rent it out to 2 people who I do not know. They cause no problems, they pay their rent on time and after 5 months of living with them they have brought positive changes to the house. They took effort to re-paint the living room, to vacuum the carpets, to throw out the garbage, to clean the oven. They even re-furnished the house on their spare time so it becomes a beautiful place to live in.

I however implemented the rule that: 1) if they are sitting on the sofa at a particular spot, I get to ask them to move 2) if they are eating a deliciously cooked piece of steak, I get to stop them halfway and demand that I have it 3) if we all share to buy a new TV, I am allowed to demand that it be placed in my room 4) if they are in the middle of the toilet and I want to brush my teeth, I have every right to ask them to leave the toilet now.

And how dare they complain that these rules are unfair? I am the bumiputra of the house and I have given you citizenship so I deserve special rights. SERIOUSLY, how can you argue with my wonderful justification for imposing such amazingly and humanly inequal laws?

--end analogy

Why is this man the leader of a university's student body? People like them are the future leaders of the nation and what would it mean for everyone else if one day he has a role in the legislation of our country's laws?

"We granted them citizenship so we are allowed special rights" - is the dumbest thing I have heard in my life.

Racism is part of human life. No where in this world is racism not evident in homes, communities, and societies. It is the very core of human instinct to be wary of a foreign looking entity. My view is, we are biologically engineered to be racist. But a millenia and more of cultural awakening has taught us that we can be better than animals because we are capable of idea and emotion. And unless we favour the lives of cavemen, then we must keep racism regressed.

Malaysia is the only country that officiates racism and puts it in the framework of her policies. It is in our homes, our schools, our tertiary centres, our economical avenues - and they mask it all behind "developing our impoverished rural population".

I remember the history of Malaysia when it was taught in school: once there was a point in time that the Chinese and Indian immigrants were negotiating a deal with the Malay people to live in the country and the consensus was citizenship but they get special rights. As a child I remember thinking, wow what a good deal because trust me, history lessons were sugared so that they made the Malay leaders of old such generous and kind people to look out for the poor Chinese and Indian immigrants that REALLY WANTED to live in Malaysia SO BADLY.

(Maybe the problem was an acute large bulk of immigrants. If our ancestors entered the country slowly, then the bumiputras would not have panicked so. hah.)

TO be fair, everybody wants to look out for themselves. But it has been 4-5 generations since and these were generations that witnessed people like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, events like the abolishment of apartheid, the segregration of black v white in America and so on. If anything, we should have learned from the world's mistakes and build upon them to be better people.

But the government wants to remain backward - for selfish purposes that need not be explained by me to you. And for that we will destroy ourselves one day unless we make a few changes around here.

The first one should be to do something about that man in the video.

Friday, January 09, 2009

First post of 2009

Raymond and Alex, you guys are on your way to world domination!

Happy new year, everyone. May this year be the best year so far!