Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Little-known LB facts #1

Did you know that each of the lectureboys have a superpower and corresponding secret identity? Yes, whenever a mistake in scheduling has occured and it threatens the day's lecture, they spring into action, and with their combined powers, make sure that the lecture status quo is preserved!

Yes, you lecturers who don't turn up, beware! Pencil-pushers who mistype schedules, be afraid! The lecture boys unite against the evils of tardiness, laziness and sleepiness! We can rest soundly in the knowledge that our droning educational needs are safeguarded by these fearless defenders of all things powerpointed.

Sk = Fly boy. 'nuff said. He flies into action as if we ever needed him! Also faithful transport-provider of the LBs.

tim = Wet-blanket-o-saurus. The slow-moving, yet quick-witted relic from the cretaceous will dampen any lively atmosphere with his cynical wit to induce proper sober lecture conditions. When conditions get too dire, he'll unleash his ultimate weapon : like a banshee, a song that darkens the mood and gloomifies the situation... "pardon me while i burrsssttttt........"

cm = Mr. Punctuality. He's never late! Always on time! Ever dependable to be the first at a scene of lecture-threatening situations! What's the time?? On time!!! jeng jeng jeng

hn = Mysterio. Cunning, silent and mysterious, Mysterio strikes quietly from the darkness, slaying those whom he wills... (sometimes slaying ppl who threaten lectures as well). Some say he has his own personal agenda, merely using the LBs to his own gain. Some say he's merely misunderstood. Some even say he can talk to animals. Whoever is right, the mysteriously mysterious face of Mysterio is cast in suspicion by friend and foe alike...

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